+48 81 53 71 373

Stationary Hospice

When can a child be referred to our Stationary Hospice?

The Stationary Hospice provides care for children with incurable diseases who cannot be cared for and treated at home temporarily or on permanent basis.

This is the case when:

  • exacerbation of the symptoms of the underlying condition and the need to perform tests and consultations in stationary conditions
  • treatment of acute infections, requiring more intensive therapy and constant supervision of the patient’s condition
  • treatment of complications of the disease, e.g. bedsores,
  • lack of parents or guardians of the child – orphaned children,
  • the period after discharge from the hospital, when parents learn how to care for a child in order to be able to look after it independently later at home,
  • the need to temporarily relieve parents or guardians in caring for the child.


Detailed information on requirements to be met to apply for a stay in a stationary hospice is available from:

The doctor in charge of the department
81 537 13 08

Ward nurse
81 537 13 09

Zofia Lichota, MD

acting head of the stationary ward, GP

List of diseases

List of incurable, progressive, life-limiting neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases, in which guaranteed benefits are provided in the scope of palliative and hospice care.

How to refer a child
to a hospice?

Contact the doctor in charge at the hospice, tel. +48 81 537 13 08

Diagnosis of the disease

A child referred to a stationary hospice should have a diagnosed with one of the qualifying for admission disease and an opinion that the causal treatment has been completed. Qualification for in-patient treatment is made by the hospice doctor.

Consent of parents or guardians

The consent of the parents or guardians is required for a child to be able to stay in an in-patient hospice as well as acceptance of the principles of palliative care (the principle of providing the patient and the family with the greatest possible comfort, including pain relief and other persistent symptoms or avoiding persistent therapy that is not beneficial to the patient).


On the agreed date, the child, with a referral from the attending physician, working for NHS, is admitted to the stationary hospice.


During their stay at the stationary hospice, patients are provided with the care of a doctor, nurses, medical assistants, a psychologist, a physiotherapist, a chaplain and volunteers. We also provide necessary consultations, including dental ones.
Parents can stay with their children or rest in our hotel, located on the upper floor.

Perinatal hospice

As part of hospice perinatal care,
we help families affected by
severe illnesses of children.
So far, we have had a dozen or so children,
whose parents let their children be born.

Stationary hospice

We provide full care for children
suffering from incurable diseases,
who cannot be cared for and treated
at home temporarily or permanently.

Home hospice

Hospice care enables
the child to stay in its own
home while maintaining high
standards of medical, psychological,
pedagogical, social and spiritual care.